Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A few years ago, our church began handing out "Stars" early in January.  Each star had a "gift" that was to be received, celebrated, and explored throughout the year.  My first star was "trust."  (Since then, I've gotten "courage" and "joy.")
However, I think that God is once again nudging me to trust Him in ways I hadn't anticipated.

This summer, I'm going to join "Sea to Sea 2013," a 9-week, 3,900 bicycle ride.  But the ride is only the visible part.  The invisible part is raising $10,000 to aid people whose lives are stuck in poverty.  Together we hope to raise $2-3 million dollars to bring either direct aid, or to help people start sustainable businesses - all to end the cycle of poverty.
Raising that kind of money is an act of trust - trust in the God who doesn't need our money and has no shortage of His own.

While I'm gone, I'm going to be with people I don't know and apart from those I love.  That will be a daily act of trust.

Also while I'm gone, I'm going to have to trust God to care for the church He's called me to pastor.  It will have needs and concerns I'm not going to be able to address.  But it isn't my church; it's God's church.  He loves her more than I could. 
And I'll trust her with Him. 

Over the next few months, I hope you'll follow my journey as I prepare for hundreds of miles of pedaling per week, living in self-imposed poverty: all to help those who cannot help themselves.

(PS - if you'd like to support this great cause, please go to
My name is about halfway down and donation instructions are pretty easy.  Thanks!)