Monday, March 18, 2013

So, it's mid-March, 30 degrees, and snowing.
It feels like it has been a really looooong winter.

Consequently, all my training miles this year (so far) have been indoors.  Yep, indoors.
People have asked me if I'm training, and I say that I've ridden almost 850 miles since January 1, but I haven't actually moved one inch.
It feels like it's been a long winter.

But training is necessary - not just for the legs, but for the heart, the neck, the new leather saddle on the bike.  I won't get very far if I don't have some hours on the trainer.

But time on the trainer (going no where) is no substitute for the real thing.  There is nothing like actually cresting a big hill.  There is nothing like the exhileration of going down the other side.  There is nothing like pulling back into the driveway after 40 miles -or leaving the driveway before 10, 20, or 40 miles.

It makes me wonder about the journey of following Christ.  At first I wondered if we actually train.  Do we do the prayer, Scripture, repentance, character-building in the Spirit that truly equips us for the walk?  But thinking about it some more, I wondered if there isn't another possible flaw.  Do we spend too much time training -so that we actually never get on the road?  So, like my trainer (800 miles without moving an inch), do we train hundreds of miles in church services, Bible studies, and small groups, without actually doing anything?

Training is a great simulation, but it is not the real thing.
Let's all put on some good spiritual miles!


  1. Great truth in real training vs almost real training. Both benefit the other typically, but we are best served when we do variety of physical or spiritual events/warfare/races.
    Looking forward to reading your blog throughout the training and tour.
    Thank you for ALL that you are doing!
    Mark from Partners Worldwide.

  2. Great comparison! Good luck with your training... I am hoping to join the Sea to Sea 2013 as well, just waiting to hear back from my pastor. :)
