Sunday, July 14, 2013


So, we've completed three weeks.  We're one third done.
 We've also completed our first six-day week of riding.
For the first time in a week, we don't have to get up early, hurry through breakfast, pack up our gear, pump up tires, fill water bottles, make lunches and stuff them into jersey pockets (bagels are my preference at the moment), check the map, find our riding partners, and take off down new roads.
Today is Sunday.  Today we rest.
We're at the point where our muscles don't hurt in the morning anymore.  But it's been a long week of hard climbing.  One day we crossed the continental divide and climbed 5,900 feet.  The next we climbed over a 10,000 ft. pass.  We've done lots of climbing and our bodies, minds, and emotions are a bit tired.
We need today.  We need a break.  Church at Cragmore CRC, lunch, maybe a little siteseeing, but no riding.  Our necks, bottoms, legs, and minds need the rest.
Rest is so important, God patterned it into our lives.  He also uses it as a symbol of living a life in Christ (in Hebrews).
It makes me wonder if I rest enough.  I don't mean taking days off.  I mean real rest.  Really giving the mind, soul, and body a chance to recharge.  I wonder if we "play" so hard on our days off that we really don't rest.  Not truly.
Today I'm going to rest.
I hope you get to also.

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